Overeenkomst Engels ZZP

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Download overeenkomst Engels ZZP


Download de overeenkomst Engels ZZP

Voorbeeld Overeenkomst Engels ZZP

Bekijk hieronder een voorbeeld van een Engelse overeenkomst van opdracht. Je kunt de voorbeeld overeenkomst onderaan de pagina downloaden. 

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Kop

The undersigned:


1. Client Name, located at (Street, number, post code, City), hereinafter referred to as client,




2. Name the contractor, established in (Street, number, post code, City), hereinafter referred to as the supplier,


hereby declare a Model ZZP Contract, under which the contractor for the benefit of the client, outside employment, against reward work will do, under the following conditions and stipulations.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 1

The client must allow the contract to the contractor performed the following work: (description of the function and the activities that the contractor goes out)

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 2

The contractor will work on the implementation of the start (start date) and will work out on (completion date command) have fully completed.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 3

1. The contractor receives from the client in respect of the tasks a fee of € (hourly rate/total price) excluding VAT.

2. The contractor may also declare the travel expenses at a cost of 0.19 per kilometer work work.

3. Declaration of any other compensation and costs shall be made after acceptance by the client.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 4

If the client hires contractor employees at the Parties shall further agree on the hourly rates, the time, the nature of the services and costs.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 5

1. For overtime is required prior written consent of the client and the Client's signatory of the client.

2. In case of waiting hours, these can only be charged, if written permission for is given by client by client.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 6

The property of the established work remains with the contractor. Client obtains an exclusive right of use after full payment of the agreed remuneration and costs incurred.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 7

The supplier shall indemnify the customer for violation of rights of third parties in the implementation and development of the work.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 8

The supplier undertakes to absolute secrecy with regard to all information about the client, the client's mission and Client, which under perform every assignment based on this Model ZZP Contract as well as the hiring out Message. For infringement of confidentiality the contractor to the customer forfeits a immediately payable fine and all of a sudden without summons or notice big € 5.000,-per breach, without prejudice to the obligation to pay full compensation if this amount should fine more than reported. Cumulate compensation and fines, the supplier is not entitled to set off of this.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 9

Billing takes place on the basis of signed timesheets. There is a time limit for payment worked with 30 days of the invoice date.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Artikel 10

1. On this Model ZZP Contract is the Dutch law is applicable.

2. Any dispute concerning the emergence, the interpretation or implementation of this agreement by the competent court in the District of Rotterdam will be settled.

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Ondertekening

Thus agreed and signed in duplicate at (place) on (date).


Signature principal signature contractor

(put signature) (put signature)

Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Samenwerking

Bekijk ook de voorbeeld Overeenkomst Engels ZZP Samenwerking. 


(Name Company A), established at (Address Company A), hereinafter referred to as "party A",


(Name Company B), established at (Address Company B), hereinafter referred to as "Party B",

has been agreed as follows:

Article 1: Purpose of the cooperation

Party A and party B will work together to Describe the purpose of the cooperation here. It can be anything – clearly and concisely state the goal] to be achieved.

Article 2: Obligations of party A

Party A has the following obligations:

o Summary of the obligations of party A;

Article 3: Obligations of party B

Party B has the following obligations:

o Listing of party B's obligations;

Article 4: Confidentiality

Party A and Party B will not share confidential information with third parties without the consent of the other party. Both during and after termination of this cooperation agreement, Party A and Party B are obliged to observe complete confidentiality regarding all business matters of the Parties.

Article 5: Duration of the agreement

This cooperation agreement takes effect on (date) and lasts until (date). (You can also choose not to have an end date, but a description of a certain goal to be achieved).

Article 6: Termination of the agreement

This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon (term) notice. The cancellation must be made in writing.

Article 7: Applicable law and Disputes

Dutch law applies to this cooperation agreement.

Any disputes between the parties will be submitted to the competent court in [place].

Article 9: Final provisions

Any changes or additions to this agreement must be agreed in writing by both parties.

This agreement is made and signed in duplicate, at (Place), on (date).

Name Party A                                                                                                Name Party A

Signature                                                                                                       Signature

Download voorbeeld overeenkomst Engels ZZP 

Bekijk ook de voorbeeld contracten op voorbeeldoffice.com of lees meer over het opstellen van een contract op de website van de Rijksoverheid


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